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Thomas Siegl

Thomas SieglAge Group athlete

Athlete information

Date of birth
Favorite discipline
Favorite Race
IRONMAN Kärnten-Klagenfurt, Austria

What do you like most about the sport?

To test your limits!

Which result are you particularly proud of?

My sixth place in the Age Group at the Ironman in Klagenfurt in 2017! Best Austrian and Carinthian national champion in the class!

What do you do besides sport (job, family, ..)?

Expert for construction and real estate matters! Married, father of two sons, both triathletes and as well as my wife very enthusiastic about sports!

How do you manage to balance family, work and sport?

This is the most difficult part of the sport, but good management, a sports-loving family and a tolerant woman make it possible!

Describe yourself in 4 words?

Determined, persevering, ambitious – there is no giving up!

Your life motto?

If you fight, you can lose. If you don't fight, you've already lost.